!!!!!!!!Download all required files (images) in the AcceSnake.zip file on http://cmoatoto.fr/files/accesnake.zip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AcceSnake Readme File (Instalation and Presentation) AcceSnake is a game developed by CmoaToto This program is a free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, by the version 3 of the license. 1.Presentation 1.1 Introduction 1.2 How to play 1.3 Game menu 2.Installation 3.Versions and license 1. Presentation : 1.1. Introduction AcceSnake is a "Snake-like game" using the accelerometer of your phone. Developed in Python, this game has been entirely coded with a text-editor, on a N95 8Go. I never used a computer to make it. For the first time in a snake game, you can move in any direction, slow down, and accelerate just by moving the phone. You can cross your tail but don't touch the wall or you will loose a life. If you don't have an accelerometer, or if you prefer to use the keyboard, just choose the right option. 1.2. How to play 1.2.1 Accelerometer or Keyboard mode: By default, you play with the accelerometer, but if you prefer to use the keyboard or if the accelerometer doesn't work well (if you doesn't have one, for example ^^), you can play with the keyboard : the joystick pad, or the 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 keys. To choose it, choose Options > More Options > Use the Keyboard, or Use the Accelerometer. 1.2.2 Phone's Way (Accelerometer mode): In the game menu, you can choose the orientation of the phone. By default, you play the phone lay down, but you can play with the phone standing up, or leaning. To change it, choose Options > Phone's way. 1.2.3 Difficulty : Moreover, you can change the difficulty, which is by default set to Medium. To change it, choose Options > Difficulty. 1.2.4 Playing : To play, just click Play... I think you can do that. Then, the game begin. You are a little snake in the middle of the screen. There is a beautiful red apple waiting for you somewhere on the screen. Incline the phone (accelerometer mode) or push the button (keyboard mode) in the direction of the apple. When you eat it, be careful to not hit the edge of the screen or you'll loose a life. Rather go to eat the new apple in an other place of the screen. 1.2.5 Bonus and bad apples : Sometimes, a big apple appears. Eat it to get some bonus points or maybe to get an extra life. After some times, others red apples will appear. They take the same appearance than the usual apple, but they have bad effect on your game. Try to identify and avoid them... 1.2.6 Life and death : When you begin the game, you got 1 life. You can get some extra lives by collecting special apples, but you'll loose your lives every time you hit the edge of the screen. If you don't have any life at this moment, the game will be over. 1.2.7 Language : The game is by default in english, but you can change the language : 1. Run the game V1.2 or higher a first time. The game will create the e:/AcceSnake/language folder and the english dictionnary (english.txt) if you install correctly the v2.0 or over, you'll have the french dictionnary too 2. Download the language you want if you need, or create it, put it in the e:/AcceSnake/language folder. 3. Go to Options > More Options > Choose Language. You'll have a list of the dictionnary available. Choose the one you want. If it is well done, the game will be translate in the language you have choose. If it is not, a "not supported" message will appears. If you want, you can reset the original english file at any type : to do this, Go to Options > More Options > Reset the dictionnary If you want to create a new language, open the english.txt dictionnary or francais.txt dictionnary and translate the text. 1.2.8 High Score : You can find your high score on the High Score Menu. If you want to see the Online Best Score, go to the High Score > Online High Score menu, then update the Online High Score (internet connection needed) and the best score and its owner will be saved. If you loose and get a personnal High Score, you will be asked to Upload it on the internet (internet connection needed). Then, Everybody will see it on the HighScore page (cmoatoto.fr/highscore.php) or on their phone if you have THE High Score. 1.3 Game Menu ---Principal Menu--- Play : launch the game (or Continue : continue the game) High Score : Show you the high score Screen Shot : Let you take a screenshot. you have to begin a game to use it Options : Go to the "Options" menu Exit : Ask you if you want to quit AcceSnake ---High Score--- Online High Score: Go to the "Online High Score" menu Back : Go to the "Principal Menu" ---Online High Score--- Update High Score: Download the Best High Score Back : Go to the "High Score" menu ---Options--- More Options : Go to the "Options 2" menu Reset high score : Delete the high score file Phone's way : see the 1.2.2 Difficulty : see the 1.2.3 Back : Go to the "Principal Menu" ---Options 2--- Credits : Show you the credits (who did the game? me!!) Choose the language : see 1.2.7 Reset Dictionnary : see 1.2.7 Use the keyboard / Accelerometer : see 1.2.1 Back : Go to th "Options" menu 2. Installation 1. If you didn't installed it allready : Download and install the RDAccelerometer DLL. 2. Then, download the AcceSnake_v2_1 unsigned.sis 3. Sign it! (if you don't know how, go to Symbian Sign Online and follow the instructions : it's quick and easy. Click on "select all" when they ask for the "Capability information" !!!) If Symbian's computer seems too think it can be a virus and doesn't accept to sign it, try others ways : a. Follow this steps : How to sign an application, by NseriesBlog.com b. Send me by mail your IMEI (you can know your IMEI By dialing *#06# ) and I'll send you back the .rar with the signed application. 4. Put the Accesnake_v2_1_signed.sis file on your phone and install it. 5. Accept all the installations (Accesnake, PyS60 1.4.5, Python Script Shell, Axyz module. 6. Find the game on the application menu !!! 7. If you want to change the language, go to Presentation - Language 8. Enjoy ! and don't forget the Guest Book !!! 3. Versions and licenses : ------------From the source code--------------- # # # AcceSnake # # play a snake-like game using the # accelerometer of your phone # # Copyright (C) 2008 CmoaToto # accesnake@cmoatoto.fr # http://cmoatoto.fr # # some helps from : # -Ordiclic : ordiclicordinateur@orange.fr # #This program is a free software : you #can redistribute it and/or modify it #under the terms of the GNU General #Public License as published by the Free #Software Foundation, by the version 3 #of the license. # #This program is distributed in the hope #that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY #WARRANTY; without even the implied #warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #See the GNU General Public License for #more details : #http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ # #VERSIONS: # #2.0 (20 nov 2008) #-CmoaToto made all the graphics and # the engine to use it #-CmoaToto add a keyboard option #-CmoaToto beautify allmost all the code # and changed a lot of details #-Ordiclic add the "exit" code # #1.2 (14 oct 2008) #-CmoaToto made a 'choose language' # option #-Cmoatoto increased the speed with the # difficulty # #1.1 (09 oct 2008) #-Ordiclic add a ligne just after the # imports to force the game to stay in a # portrait orientation #-Ordiclic beautify most of the "for" loop: # "in (0,1,2,3)" became "in range(0,4)" #-CmoaToto corrected a bug in the score # showed in the menu during a game # #1.0 (05 oct 2008) #-Whole source code by CmoaToto