


AcceSnake is a game developed by CmoaToto

This program is a free software : you
can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, by the version 3
of the license.   



Links & help

1. F.A.Q.
2. Links - Forums
  a) English
  b) French
  c) Italian
  d) Spanish
  e) Arab
  f) Persian
  g) Russian
  h) Others...
3. Links - Development

1. Frequently Asked Questions :

I'm getting "UPDATE ERROR" during install :

The problem is with one of 'updating' one of the modules. You can find the files here :
The accesnake v2.0 unsigned is the one with this name ^^. Install each file (not the standalone) seperatly (sign only accesnake_v2_0_unsigned.sis) is this order : RDAccelerometer , PyS60, PythonScriptShell, Axyz, Accesnake. If there is a problem during one of the installation, forget this file and install the others.

If you had a previous version, you can just sign and install the accesnake_v2_0_unsigned.sis, but don't forget to copy all the files in the to your memory card main directory.

I did'nt sign the file, and now, I can't launch the game. Have I to sign it ?

Of course you have. The Symbian phone is protected against virus by this system. Only signed file can be installed. So sign it. Follow the instruction on the installation page.

When I ask Symbian to sign the file, they answer "Open Signed application signed fails, This may be because it has been flagged as a potential virus by our scanning or because the format of your sis file is incorrect or corrupt." Is it a virus?

No it's not... :) You just forget to check "Select all" when they ask for the "Capability information" !!! Do it again. If they really don't want, try the other solutions on the installation page.

When I launch AcceSnake, just black screen with Loading ..., accelerometer [Ok], language [Ok], blinks and returns to my app menu. What's wrong?

You did not extract all the .zip in the memory card. So the game can't load the pictures and it stops.
Just extract all the "Accesnake" folder you found in the to your memory card (e:\).

2. Links - Forums:

Here is some forums talking abour accesnake. Find the best for you.

English :

iPmart Forum - English

Nokia - Developer Community

Noeman GSM


French :


Italian :

iPmart Forum - Italian

Spanish :


Arab :

Mobil4Arab - منتديات جوال العرب

Persian :

SiS PDA - Forum

3. Links - Development:

Python for Series 60 tutorial For me, the best tutorial for Python on S60. I learned allmost everything with it! by Jurgen Scheible (c) 2007.

Doc PythonForS60 by Nokia (Library Reference) The official Document on the standart PyS60 Libraries.

Forum Nokia Developer Community The Official Nokia Developer Forum. Ask all your question and be answered by the bests. French developpers' community. Many informations, tutorials, in every languages.

[S60 v2-v3] Programmation C++, Le cours en ligne! Cours créé par bySamir.

Links & help

Copyright (c) 2008 Cmoatoto - mail :