sunday, january 11th :
Version 2.1 availible !!!:
-A simpliest installation (auto download and extract pictures)
-A great Online High Score Engine (On your browser and on the game !!!). You can now upload your best scores !! Who will be the best ??
thursday, november 20th :
Version 2.0 availible !!!
-A great new graphic engine !! Here is the graphic version of AcceSnake. And trust me, it's really beautiful !! visit the ScreenShots Page !!!
-You can now play with the keyboard. If you don't want to be seen moving in every ways, or if you doesn't have the accelerometer, you can play anymore !!!
-All the code has been beautifyed and improved.
details on page Presentation (changed for the new version)
tuesday, october 14th :
Version 1.2 availible :
-A great new option is available : You can change all the game's language, make your own language, really easily. English and French allready available.
- A big change in the difficulty : now, the snake's speed will increase with the difficulty you choose, and it changes everything...
Details on page Presentation
thursday, october 9th :
Version 1.1 availible : 2 bugs corrected and some coded beautifyed. Details on page Presentation
monday, october 6th :
I started to advertise about this site yesterday and it has been working a lot. Thank you for you interest !!!